Thursday, July 15, 2010

WOW! After really a very long time

First and foremost, I am really surprised that the blog is still available. I have not updated since 2007 and now its 2010. But nows the right time to start fresh. Many things have changed since the last visit. Life has its ups and downs and we always survive no matter what. This doesn't mean that we are not in the right direction. Yea Life has always been treating me well. I am blessed. There is haapy news. I have a beautiful little baby girl born on 10th July 2010. Now that might be the reason for me to visit again to the blog and have a thought " why don't I continue with what I started?" The last 3 years personally were very acheiving. So let me try to visit the blog on a daily basis and write my little diary and whatever comes to my mind.