Sunday, January 15, 2006

Buffalo Soldier

A herd of female wild Asian buffaloes with young is led by a dominant matriarch and often accompanied by a single adult bull. Other males live solitarily or form bachelor herds of about 10. Young males spar with each other to assert dominance but avoid serious fighting. They mix with females at mating time

Dragon Fly

Odonata are an order of aquatic palaeopterous insects. There are about 6500 extant species in just over 600 genera. Adult odonates are medium to large in size, often conspicuous and/or brightly colored insects and are aerial predators hunting by sight. They generally are found at or near fresh water although some species roam widely and may be found far from their breeding sites. The larvae are predatory, aquatic and occur in all manner of inland waters.

Grow on Me


Trimurti Temple

This is the first Pallava rock-cut temple, built by Mahendra I in the early 7th century. An inscription on the temple calls it the Laksitayatna and dedicates it to Brahma, Isvara, and Vishnu. The facade of the rectangular mandapa has four massive pillars and is flanked by niches containing large dvarpalaka images carved in relief. The images are shown wearing tall headgear and standing in dvibhanga, leaning on a massive club entwined by a serpent. Steps on the right lead to an uncovered porch in front of the mandapa.


These chillies are hotter than jalapeƱos. Though much-maligned for imparting a hotness that can be unbearable and lasting, red chillies used in conjunction with other spices can add zing to any boring dish. Chilli powder, salt and some vegetables are good enough for making tasty dishes.

Life in Poverty